Sunday, August 28, 2005

Americans Shut Out at World Finals

Perhaps America's foreign policy has finally caught up to her. Though three contenders from the US participated in this year's Air Guitar World Championship, none came in the top 5. I, myself, came in 8th.

The winner was The Destroyer, from Holland, who pretended to be a robot. The future of air guitar is clearly more about artifice than rock and roll.

Nonetheless, we continue to rock in the free world...what's left of it!


Anonymous said...

very sad to hear...oh well. rock on, bjorn!

Anonymous said...

The future of air guitar is at the Aireoke at the end of the night when everyone is diving between each others
legs in a frenzied orgy of group rock!

kiki said...

As a member of the jury I have to say that I thought the result had feck all to do with politics and that in the end, the top three rightfully deserved their places regardless of country of origin. The Destroyer's show WAS very much in a performance art stylee but I think these things go in swings and roundabouts - next year's winner will probably be a rock purist. Anyway, what we all want to know is, have you reconsidered the retirement???
Kiki x

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.