Tickets are available here
If you’ve seen the film, you know it rocks. Please forward this info to friends in NY and LA. If you haven’t seen it, please check it out. It’s a well made, hilarious movie that will make you laugh out loud and actually get sucked in to the story, as the New York Times notes:
“The movie's wild performances and droll humor are tough to resist. So are its obsessive yet self-mocking heroes: the Los Angeles-based actor David Jung, who performs as C-Diddy, who has a kung phooey stage persona and wears a Hello Kitty pouch like a warrior's breastplate; and the New York writer-musician Dan Crane, a k a Björn Turöque, whose parched wit and jackhammer performance style suggest Bill Murray trapped in the body of Sid Vicious. Mr. Crane also wrote and sang the closing credits theme, a garage band anthem that lodges in the brain like a fishhook.” -- Matt Zoller Seitz, The New York Times
As did
“In the tradition of the finest forms of American entertainment, both "Air Guitar Nation" and the geekcraft it chronicles go way beyond shtick and self-parody into some meta-meta-ironic zone, where it's never clear from one moment to the next what is a joke and what is deadly earnest, until the two concepts finally merge into a sort of Buddhist singularity.... In some mysterious way, the level of self-awareness behind the braggadocio of air guitar made me care more, not less, about the bitter and finally respectful competition between these two air-maestros [C-Diddy and Bjorn Turoque]...I don't know whether to call it interpretive dance for dudes or performance art or just a highly developed form of wanking. Who cares? It seriously rocks. -- Andrew O'Hehir,
We’ll be at the Angelika in NY until Thursday and then we’ll be moving to the Village East on 2nd Ave and 12th street.
We also open in Los Angeles this Friday at the NuArt in Santa Monica, with an Aireoke after party Friday night at the Westwood Brewing Company – we are hoping for a great weekend in LA! This has been a labor of love for many people for nearly five years. It’s a totally enjoyable film; sadly we don't have the marketing budget of Borat or 300, so please spread the word!!
LA Aireoke invite - click to enlarge image:

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