Friday, January 26, 2007

Hey Hey, My My, Air Guitar Will NEVER Die...

Red Octane, makers of my favorite video game, have declared air guitar dead——replaced, presumably by their air guitar simulation computer game, Guitar Hero.

They even held a mock funeral as a PR stunt:

Need I point out that air guitar will never die? Need I point out that while Guitar Hero does completely rock and is an excellent air guitar skill builder, it's no surrogate. It will never replace air guitar. How can you kill/replace something that does not exist?

Ask Nietzsche, I guess..

1 comment:

heebnvegan said...

A friend keeps inviting me over to play Guitar Hero, and I keep telling her that I can't because of my strongly held ideological differences. But then someone overheard us arguing about Guitar Hero vs. air guitar in the kitchen at work, and she had a King Solomon-esque brilliant solution:

My friend can play the Guitar Hero controller with all the GH stuff on the TV screen, and I can play air guitar.