I used to love Jack Black. Really. I thought he was funny and everything.
But when there was talk a few years ago about a feature film about the last true art form: AIR GUITAR (based, naturally, on my book and the stupendous documentary Air Guitar Nation) who do you think got the first phone call? Oh yes, Jack Black.
Black's people reported back, "It sounds like a great project," they began.
"You're fucking right it's a great project," we interrupted.
"But Mr. Black has an issue with air guitar."
"What sort of issue?" we inquired.
"He had a bad experience with it once," they explained.
"A bad experience? With air guitar?" How was that possible, we wondered?
"So, I'm afraid he's not interested," they said and clicked off their Hollywood speakerphone.
But NOW, in a bizarre and twisted twist of twisting fate, it appears that Mr. "I'm Afraid of the Air Guitar" has decided that he's okay with it NOW...now that it will help him sell his little "Pick of Destiny" movie.
Well friends, I urge you to BOYCOTT this film! Jack Black is a sham (did anyone see Nacho Libre, btw? Jésus that sucked!), a sell-out and a liar and does not deserve your dollars! Save them for REAL air guitarists in Air Guitar Nation, coming in March 2007!
I still like Kyle though.
Your faithful air servant,
Björn Türoque
1 comment:
yeah way to talk shit about him in order to promote your own stuff. how many times did you mention your projects in that critique of a comedy genius? unless you spoke directly with JB you've got no right to talk shit. props to anonymous above me here for pointin you out for what you really are, a poser.
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