It was later though, at the bar during the after-party that their true feelings came out.
“Re-speeeeeect! NO! RE-speeeeeeeeeeect!” shouted a gigantic lumbering inebriated Scotsman with a brogue as thick as haggis, nearly hugging me to death. He apparently loved the film immensely. Others told me it was literally the funniest movie they had ever seen. (Could this be true? Did Over the Top never make it to Scotland?) Suffice to say, the film was a big hit.

We had two Aireoke parties. Both were incredibly amazing, sweaty affairs.

The Scots proved they could rock as hard (or harder) than the rest, and Cedric (a/k/a Aer Lingus) got a ride on the shoulders of another gargantuan local.

For a short respite from the madness of air guitar, Alexandra, Cedric & his girlfriend Minji (my personal air guitar costume designer, btw) and I took a relaxing journey up to the utterly gorgeous Isle of Skye in the Scottish Highlands.

About an hour into the drive we got a flat tire.

“Front left tire?” asked the Norman-Bates-from-Psycho-meets-Jack-Torrence-from-The-Shining B&B proprietor, under the watchful gaze of taxidermic birds of prey.
“Yep,” said Cedric, who had been driving at the time of the puncture.
“Americans,” he said, shaking his head. “Always the front left.”
(Recall that in the UK, they drive on the opposite side of the road).
While changing the tire, we were attacked by a swarm—literally, a SWARM!—of blood-sucking midges: tiny white bugs that nibble on one’s flesh.
The next day we took a hike through a bog, getting lost and covered in mud. We then went fishing for four hours and caught some air salmon.

It was a comedy of errors really, but we had a good time.
(note: some of this bloggage is repeated from my guest blog this week on
1 comment:
Aireoke night at the Caberet Voltaire was awesome. You need to bring another Aireoke night to Edinburgh. You're welcome back at Cineworld any time too. Let me or Kathryn know if your heading back over here!
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