In SF, the competition was fierce. The usual assortment of semi-nude freaks, metalhead shredders, and even some classical and spanish airistocrats. There's a great review HERE.
LA was another story. It was great to be back at the Roxy, now as a host, and not facing the wrath of C-Diddy (who was one of the judges). But the performances were somewhat middle of the road. Not a single 6.0 was awarded. This is not to discount the excellence of the performers - my personal faves were the winner, Count Rockula, who did a stunning version of Alien Ant Farm's cover of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal," and veteran air madman The Airtight Messiah, got shafted by the judges for playing an Air Keytar to my favorite song ever, "Popcorn" by Hot Butter. Sorry Messiah...
Last, apparently in the UK, the first air cellist has hit the airwaves... Rock on, bro.
We await the finals in NYC June 22 - apparently 300 tix have already been sold, so buy tix soon!
Oh, you're on blogspot, too. check out my blogs at loongtao. I'm not hooked up at home, so I was doing them at work. Had to suspend operations for awhile, if you know what I mean. Later
Tiger Claw
Bjorn! Great job hosting the LA Finals, definitely made it a good show... this pic is totally going to increase my popularity. Looking forward to your book,
Dan (guy in the t-shirt)
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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