Listen up, airheads. Let's just say you are too poor to get your ass to a major city where an actual, regional US Air Guitar Championship is being held. Or let's say you already lost one.
Here's your chance for redemption.
VH1 has launched an Air to the Throne competition. Make a video of yourself air guitaring to one of the FOUR songs they were able to license and upload it. The winner goes to the US Finals and plays at some VH1 thing later this summer. See the website for details. Also make sure to get some important pointers from some of today's greatest living air masters (yours truly included).
Don't forget --AIR GUITAR NATION, the greatest air guitar documentary ever made is playing at the Tribeca Film Festival at the end of April. Click here for tix and more info.
Last but not LEAST, AIREOKE returns to Manhattan, May 4 at the Parkside Lounge. See Aireoke.com for details
Hi! I'm a casemanager for people with mental retardation and I think they'd really get into this! Any pointers on how to get them started?
They probably have an advantage already. I'd just turn up the music and let them rock out. In Finland, they have a special competition special needs people. Maybe you could send them there.
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