Monday, January 02, 2006

2006: The Year of Air Guitar

This is it. Bjorn's prediction for 2006:

"This will be the year air guitar spreads like an Oklahoma wildfire, and floods the airwaves of public consciousness like a Californian deluge. More Aireoke, a documentary, a book, a college air guitar tour, air guitar competitions in over ten cities...The air shit is hitting the fan, people. Lookout!"

In other news, Jerry Saltz, art critic for the Village Voice, was one of the judges at a recent air guitar competition which I had the pleasure of emcee'ing. Here's what he had to say about it.

"These hormonal warriors put on a nonstop show of horniness, impetuousness, obnoxiousness, contempt, hopefulness, and sheer joy..." Read MORE


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