Passing the word on about this. Plus, I'll be emceeing and the Rockness will be judging...
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Bringing together rock & roll, performance art, and general revelry, Artists Space invites you to try your hand at this age-old art, or just come along and watch!
Judged by
The Rockness Monster: 2005 U.S. Air Guitar Champion
Jerry Saltz: Art Critic
and other stars of New York’s art and music scene, TBA
MC’ed by
Björn Türoque: New York Air Guitar Champion
Terrific prizes include an original artwork from Artists Space’s limited editions and Dr. Martens boots.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Doors Open 8pm
M1-5 Bar
52 Walker Street, between Church Street and Broadway
Tribeca, New York
$5 in advance, $10 at the door
Advance tickets on sale at Artists Space, 38 Greene Street, or at http://www.artistsspace.org via PayPal.
Contestant space is extremely limited, so polish your air guitars and enter today!
To enter & compete, please mail or drop off at Artists Space:
- Your name & stage name
- A brief bio
- A $10 entry fee in the form of a check made out to Artists Space
- The name of the song to which you will perform. (Each contestant has one uninterrupted minute. Chosen contestants will be expected to deliver a cd with the recorded track to Artists Space prior to the event.)*
- Your cell phone number
First come, first served!
* Please note: Five finalists will also be required to perform to a one-minute track selected by Artists Space
Please contact Stefania Heim with questions: 212.226.3970 ext. 306, or sheim@artistsspace.org
Endorsed by Air Guitar USA, the official US Air Guitar Championships
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